Saturday 24 November 2007

Dear Students,
As many of you say in your feedbacks that you lack lessons in General English, we offer you this form of improving your English.
I suggest that you go to the web link "Babies show social intelligence" which is on the right of the blog page.
Read the article. Complete several tasks:
1. Find out what are 3 things that 6month babies can't do yet.
2. What are 2 things they can already do at this age.
3. Explain what "hard-wired" means in this context.
4. In the text find the synonims for the words:
to differentiate
5. Share your opinions on the topic: "Intelligence development: how much it depends on language and teaching?"
Don't forget to sign in (if you haven't yet) before you post your comment.
To encourage your involment into this and further discussions we are thinking of some rewards for the most enthusiastic and active students.
What it will be like we'll tell you a bit later.


Dmitriy Tsydvintsev said...

1. Find out what are 3 things that 6month babies can't do yet.
1) sit up
2) let alone crawl
3) walk or talk

2. What are 2 things they can already do at this age.
1) assess someone's intentions towards them
2) decide who is a likely friend or enemy

3. Explain what "hard-wired" means in this context.
It means that it exists in a newborn baby.
4. In the text find the synonims for the words:
fast > rapid
hardly > barely
babies > toddlers
to differentiate > figure out

Lizaveta Bem said...

1)6month babies cant't:
sit up, walk, talk.
2)But there are some things they can do. For example:
babies acquire the ability to make social evaluations and also they can already assess someone's intentions towards them, deciding who is a likely friend or enemy.
3)hard-wired means exists in a newborn baby.
4)Synonims in the text:
to differentiete-figure out.

Stryapunina_Dasha said...

1. At the age of six months, most babies have barely learnt to sit up, let alone crawl, walk or talk.
2. They can already assess someone's intentions towards them, deciding who is a likely friend or enemy.
3. Exists in a newborn baby
4. fast-rapid
to differentiate-figure out

Daria Korepanova said...

1)At the age of six months, most babies can't sit up, let alone crawl and walk or talk.
2)But they can already understand people's intentions and decidy who is good and who is bad, who is a likely friend or enemy.
3) It means that it is innate, not learned, it exists in a newborn baby
fast - rapid
hardly - barely
babies - toddlers
to differentiate - figure out