Monday 17 March 2008

International Marriages are Good for Russia

The next motion for Debating Club is "International Marriages are Good for Russia". It will be held on 22 March at 12.00-13.30 in the room 610b. You can stand either for the Proposition or for the Opposition or just be unbiased House to judge who wins the motion. Everyone is welcome to participate and then to discuss it on the blog! For Littera students and graduates the admission is free of charge. For the rest of comers the admission is 100 roubles.


Ksolo said...

It was quite good. But the speakers are too personal, some of them are sexists :-))) and speak not on the motion. I hope they will improve and become perfect speakers in the nearest future. :-)))))))))))

Elena G. Polomskikh said...

Thank you for your comment. Debating culture has not been cultivated in Russian students. And here is a good chance not only to express your own viewpoint but to keep to the subject, to be clear with your arguments, to develop your argumentation logically and at the same time to respect your opponent.
I hope every participant will develop these skills alongside with their speaking skills improvement.